The Snare

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 7th of October, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler…”
Psalm 91:3

- now the Amplified Version says: “For He will save you from the trap of the fowler,…” It’s the little things we need to look out for. Now, the fowler is the devil of course, and he is continually trying to trip you up and to trip me up.

A man by the name of Mark Pierce says, “He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler” - that means from the little things, the hidden traps, the nets that are set for us. Great sins frighten, but little snares entangle. It is easier to escape the huntsman’s arrow than the crafty lure, and where are they not set? In riches and also in poverty, in sickness and in strength, in prosperity and adversity, in friendships and in loneliness, the work and the lack of it. Each has it’s snare wherein not only are the unworthy caught, but the wise and the watchful also sometimes fall prey. Little things, mere threads, hardly worth guarding against, yet they are strong enough to hold us and to hinder us, and may be the beginning of our destruction.”

We need to be so careful. Years ago when I played rugby, I remember clearly, I used to play in the loose forward position, either a flank or an 8th man, and we were known as “the spoilers.” A young man would break away with a ball and all you would do is just grab the edge of his rugby jersey and just pull him back for half a second, that’s all, and he would miss his move, and that is why often, you would see in the middle of a match, the guy stands up and punches somebody else, and you say, “Look at that dirty player” but it is actually not him at all! It’s somebody in the scrum that has just held him back for half a second from making his move. Now that is exactly how the devil works. It is the little things, the things that we don’t notice that hold us back, but the Lord says that He will deliver you and I from the devil and his sly moves if we keep our eyes on Him. 

Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan